Friday, September 3, 2010

100903 Friday

Top:  English muffin with cream cheese and American cheese letters/heart on top, chocolate mini-brownies

Left:  Cantaloupe teddy bears, edamame, simplified sesame noodles (Chinese-style noodles, soy sauce, sesame oil), hard boiled egg in shape of bear face (veggie bits and ketchup for face)

Right:  Black and yellow raisins, yellow pear and red cherry tomatoes and basil leaves from the garden, salmon-trout "hotdog" in octopus shape (with only 6 legs, though) with black sesame seed eyes


  1. I wasn't sure I wanted to visit your new blog (how interesting can lunch be?) but seeing that it is bento based!!! Awesome!

  2. Safranit,

    Thank you!

    I didn't expect this to be of much interest to anyone not involved in the plumping/feeding of Gretta, but I have enjoyed looking at the many excellent bento blogs for inspiration and entertainment.

    Blogging the lunches is helpful, because Gretta likes to look at them on-line and tell me what she ate/didn't eat and why. (For example, she told me, about this lunch, that she thought the egg face was very cute, but, though she usually eats (at least the white part of) the eggs, she didn't eat it this time, because the face made it "dirty". Sigh. She didn't tell me that until she saw the photo. )

    Do you have bento pictures, too? I'd love to see them!

    All the best,
